The Journal

3D Baby Art

This is a rather belated post of my little niece’s first foot impression. Sis and I bought a DIY 3D Baby Art kit from mothercare.

Initially, we wanted to do it the professional way but that also means paying a rather professional price. So, with a bit of creativity, imagination and searching, we managed to pull off this exercise  – the DIY style. Paying only one-third of the price.

This kit comes with full instructions. All you need is a pair of steady hands and an experienced nanny.

The mould feels like a rather foamy dough, it’s extremely lightweight. We rolled it out as flat as possible on a smooth surface. Place the baby’s feet on the centre and press it down firmly. Little niece was getting impatient. Got to try it several times before getting the near-to perfect impression because if it is too shallow, it will not create the desired 3D effect.

Mix the clay and pour it into the mould.

Wait for clay to harden and pill it off gently. The mould can be reshaped over and over again but it hardens in about 2 hours and that will make it even harder to print on, so do it while it is still fresh and soft.

Project accomplished.

This kit also comes with a frame. You can either hang it or display on shelf. It was overall a pretty easy exercise and the impressions came out very clear. The lines on the little feet is all so crystal clear.

Thank you for looking.

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